Abundant Gratitude

Hi Reader,

Thanksgiving week is upon us and I want to share my deep gratitude for you all allowing me to do the work I do. I couldn't do this without you all trusting me and allowing me to learn and practice week in and week out. I hope you also find time to share gratitude with yourself for yourself - for your body, your breath, your emotions, your intellect, your spirit. And let that gratitude ripple out - gratitude for who or what allows you to have time and money for our shared work, gratitude for the reliable car you have to transport you or reliable internet when/if we meet virtually, on and on; noticing that the gratitude becomes nearly endless. When we shift to gratitude and an abundance mindset, even if only for a brief moment, we can often find respite and relief.

Here are a few other practices to support your nourishment and wellness as we enter the holiday season and the season of darkness allowing for more inward practices:

Here's to gratitude, giving, and receiving.


Erin McCabe Wellness

Read more from Erin McCabe Wellness

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